These polar bear Christmas cookies are fun to make for festive holidays it’s coated with white chocolate candy melts, oreo, and trimmings to create this amazing Christmas dessert. Kids and adults will love it.
What is a bear Christmas cookie?
This cookie is getting viral on the internet comes Christmastime. You also see them on your Pinterest board and Instagram. It’s well deserved though, it’s delicious and easy to make and they are adorable and cute. The Oreo cookies are coated with white candy melts. making them look like Polar Bear. You’ll bring out the crafty side of you…
Today you will learn how to make them with this step-by-step photo and instructions. show you how to make this Polar Bear cookie.
Ingredient for Bear Christmas Cookies
- 12 oz White Meltables or white Candy Melts
- M& Ms
- Candy eyes
- 12 Oreo Cookies
Equipment Needed
- Heatproof large mixing bowl
- Spatula for Mixing
- Fork
Polar Bear Cookie Recipe
I often prepare all of the ingredients, types of equipment to use before I start making any recipes. This way I don’t scour around looking for something in the midst of pouring my chocolate melts.
- Prepare the cookie sheet and cover it with wax paper or parchment paper and set it aside until you’re ready to use it.
- Place half cup of white candy melts in a small medium-sized heat-proof bowl and microwave for one minute. Mix and check if melted chocolate is completely melted. If you see lumps microwave in 10-second intervals.
- Gently open the oreo cookies and use a toothpick to put the melted white chocolate in the middle of the cream and close. Dab melted chocolate at the Oreo opening where you want to put the ears and insert light-colored M& Ms. Do the same to the rest of the ingredients. Let it be completely cool.
- Place the whole bag of the white chocolate candy melts in the heat-proof large bowl. Mix the candy melts until there are no lumps. If you see lumps, microwave in 10-minute intervals and mix completely.
- Dip the oreo cookies in the chocolate melts. Don’t roll the oreo cookie. Simply cover it with melted chocolate using your fork. Drain on the side of the bowl to remove excess melted chocolate. DO the same to the remaining cookies.
- Place cookies in the prepared cookie sheet and let it cool completely or set. Let it sit before adding the muzzle and eyes.
How to Decorate these Polar Bears
- Let the cookie set. You can tell that it’s ready when the chocolate melts are not shiny. Add the nose – muzzle and the candy eyes.
Tips for Success
- Don’t turn the cookie when you dip it in the melted chocolate. Simply pour chocolate on top and on the sides until the cookies are fully coated with candy melts.
- Add only the candy eyes and muzzle when the melted chocolate is set. You can tell when it’s ready when the melted chocolate. You can tell when the melted chocolate turns dull and flat; without a shine.
This is such a fun cookie and also festive. This can be served on Polar Bears cookie Baby Shower.
Polar bear Christmas cookies
- Heatproof large mixing bowl
- Fork
- 12 oz White Meltables or white Candy Melts
- 35 pieces M& Ms
- 12 pieces Candy eyes
- 12 pieces Oreo Cookies
Melt the Chocolate
- Separate 12 Candy Melt and set it aside. You wil use this for the muzzle/nose.Prepare the cookie sheet and cover it with wax paper or parchment paper and set it aside until you’re ready to use it. Place half cup of white candy melts in a small medium-sized heat-proof bowl and microwave for one minute. Mix and check if melted chocolate is completely melted. If you see lumps microwave in 10-second intervals. Use this to dab the eyes and middle of the Oreo cream.Gently open the oreo cookies and use a toothpick to put the melted white chocolate in the middle of the cream and close. Dab melted chocolate at the Oreo opening where you want to put the ears and insert light-colored M& Ms. Do the same to the rest of the ingredients. Let it be completely cool.
Prepare the Polar Bears
- Place the whole bag of the white chocolate candy melts in the heat-proof large bowl. Mix the candy melts until there are no lumps. If you see lumps, microwave in 10-minute intervals and mix completely.Dip the oreo cookies in the chocolate melts. Don’t roll the oreo cookie. Simply cover it with melted chocolate using your fork. Drain on the side of the bowl to remove excess melted chocolate and place in the prepared pan. Do the same to the remaining cookies. Let the melts set. You can tell when the chocolate are not too shiny. Then decorate.
Decorate the cookies
- Place cookies in the prepared cookie sheet and let it cool completely or set. Let it sit before adding the muzzle and eyes. Place one piece of chocolate melt at the middle of the Polar Bear's face. Add the eyes. Using a toothpick, dab a small amount of the melt at the tip of the candy and place the M& M.

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