This could be the simplest Egg Burrito you can make. Made only of 3 ingredients, which means cheap, meal prepping breakfast has never been so easy with this Breakfast Burritos. You can make a whole batch, and you are good to go with your breakfast.
Hey, guys. Another week, another simple recipe here in the blog.
I have been planning simple cheap meals lately, because we are saving more for our retirement. And I also have been listening to Dave Ramsey, and he is a very big advocate of budgeting, and when I was listing our expenses, food is the most expense we have in our budget. So I’m trying to cut cost in the meal department and hopefully save more.
Also, we’re trying to lose weight and I think this Breakfast Burrito is healthy enough, and not too fatty for the family; and it is very simple to make. Just wrap the ingredients, and you are good to go. I actually made short video to prove to you how easy to make this Breakfast Burrito, so watch it and see for yourself.
To be honest? I was hesitant to share this Breakfast Burrito recipe, because I thought IT’S A SUPER EASY RECIPE. I assume that everybody know how to make it, but I also thought that there might be some people who do not know, how to make Burrito, so this recipe is for them. SO enjoy guys! And have a greattttttt weekend.!
- 10 pieces large egg beaten and scrambled
- salt pepper to season
- Mexican style four cheese
- cilantro
- 1 tablespoon oil
- Corn Tortilla
- Beat eggs and season with salt and pepper beat until blended.
- Heat oil, and pour eggs and continue cooking, pulling, and folding eggs until no more liquid. Transfer in a plate and let cool.
- Spoon egg down center on tortilla and add cheese and cilantro and fold to wrap as shown in the video.
- Store Egg Burrito in a sealed container and refrigerate.
- If you want to freeze your egg burrito, individually wrap with plastic wrap and freeze.
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